SmmTechs API


Common info

API gives you access to automatically create and control your orders, and get full statistics for them. You can also gain access to such extra info as: number of active SmmTechs users, availiable order types and prices for them.

To use a method in API SmmTechs you should make a POST or GET request using an example bellow:

It contains several parts:
METHOD_NAME — name of the method you are trying to make a request for. List of all availiable methods can be found in the Methods tab.
PARAMETERS — data, requested for this method. Should be sent in a form of name=value pairs, divided by an ampersand. List of requested parameters for each method can also be found in a Methods tab.
API_KEY — access key. To get or change one use a Mehods tab.

Amount of api requests is restricted by daily and hourly limits. You can get info regarding these limits and request statistics using the Statistics tab. There is also a PHP library made for convinience. Examples of using it can be found in the method description.

You can adress us regarding limit increases or malfunctions in api functioning using our customer support or by sending an email to ticket system or by the email

Example of using API

Let's check an example of using our API on a selected task:

Our client needs 50 subscribers for his Youtube channel. To make such order, first of all, we need to know the type of this order and the price. Let's use the method getTypes
"desc":"Subscribe to a channel on Youtube"
"desc":"Set like on Youtube"
"desc":"Set dislike on Youtube"
"desc":"Support with likes on Youtube"
"desc":"Follow (twitter)"
"desc":"Make a post (twitter)"
"desc":"Retweet a post"
"desc":"Support with tweets (twitter)"
"desc":"Support with likes (Twitter)"
"desc":"Like a tweet (twitter)"

Looking for ' Subscribe to a channel on Youtube ' - ' type ': 23 .
This response can be used for future creation of orders, but the list often changes. We add and remove different types of orders, so it's highly recommended to update this list at least once a month.

Now we can use this to to create an order using method newTask:
We get a response:


You can get all information regarding the requested parameters on a method description page newTask. To parameter task_name We suggest sending the ID of the order in your system. In future you can control the progress of an order using method getTaskStat :
We get a response:


To get more detailed order information you can use method getTasks. To get all users, who completed the order you can use method getTaskUsers.

SmmTechs API
Requests per hour:/
Requests per day: /
Completed requests
Method Number of requests Number of errors
SmmTechs API
key is required for each request.
You can change your key
only once a day


Request parameters
- - - -

Request example